Thursday, June 10, 2010

A Few Pics and Whatnot

We are almost half way through June and I'm starting to feel a little ticked off at the lack of summer weather we have been receiving! I am longing for some unbearably hot afternoons where I can sit on the deck sipping ice cold beer whilst spraying Yoyo and the dogs with the super soaker. And with summer, comes mowing the lawn. I used to love mowing the lawn...I find therapeutic in the same way some people do with gardening but I can't keep a plant alive for the life of me, let alone a garden. Anywayyyy, mowing the lawn is no longer as fun as it used to be. There are FAR too many toys to move, pick up, move back, and pick up again. It's almost rather annoying now.
But I guess it's worth it. We spend a lot of time outside and I would way rather have a mess of toys out there then in here.

Friends of ours came over to hang out in the backyard on Sunday and not only did I get to do some baby-snuggling (oh how I miss those days!) but I also learned that 2 boys running free in the yard makes for huge mess, a lot of bug catching, and a heck of a lot of noise!

I find it odd that my child is fully clothed in this picture. He has taken to stripping whenever he can. It is rare that he keeps his clothes on, especially outside. His choice of attire these days usually consists of a diaper (if I'm lucky), rubber boots, and his helmet (which is way too big for him).

If you can imagine, my sweet 2 year old angel, some days spends more than his fair share of time in timeout. And 95% of the time it's for throwing think the kid would catch on NOT to throw. So the other day as I am carrying him up to his room for time out, he is sobbing with huge tears running down his face and yelling out "Abby, Abby, help me!". Not sure what he thought the dog would do for him?!?!


emily said...

That is so funny (him calling for the dog to help!). Your backyard looks like a lot of fun, I wish I could bring mosey over!
And I'm with you on being tired of this crappy weather. I want to set up the baby pool!

Ranavan said...

Oh ha ha - "Abby help me" - that is a desperate little man hee!

Oy and this rain..enough already! Enough!

Anonymous said...

Yes, sucky weather or what! Looks like he loves being outside, just like Eden. And maybe him and Abby have some sort of secret code talk!

Karen said...

So cute. Our son also has his fair share of time outs, but has not yet sought the dog's assistance! We have throwing issues here too - in the two+ years we've known our guy, I don't think he's ever PLACED an object down. Good times.

Hope the weather gets better for you.
