Sunday, October 24, 2010

My Wishes For Today...

I wish I had more patience for a 2 year old that was up until midnight last night and refuses to nap today.

I wish that whoever stole all our outdoor halloween decorations would feel remorse and return them. I have a sad son who misses his big pumpkin that lights up.

I wish that Sundays WERE actually a day of relaxation instead of endless laundry, housecleaning, and prepping for the upcoming week.

I wish my son found joy and contentment in sitting and watching a movie (or just even more than 30 seconds of a cartoon) or colouring at the table for longer than 2 minutes.

I wish it was still summer so my son could happily play outside endlessly while I get some serious studying done.

Most of all, I wish my sweet little Cassy didn't have a baseball size lump in her armpit. And until Tuesday when I find out for sure, I will continue wishing that it is nothing serious.


june said...

Oh no... I hope it is nothing too... fatty deposit, have it be a fatty deposit, those are totally fine as lumps go.

and what is WITH people? Seriously, your Hallowe'en decorations? Geez.

Karen said...

Sorry about the lack of sleep, and stolen Hallowe'en decorations and Cassy's lump. Our nine-year border collie / lab mix had a lump in his leg excised last year and it was benign. This year, he got another on his back and it's also fine. It's worrisome though, I know. Hope it's good news on Tuessday.

Barb said...

Well I hear ya on your comments!

On your pup, our dog has had cancer 3 times. On this last bout, instead of surgery, we chose to use a treatment called neoplasene. If you want to know anything about it, let me know.

dion dot barb at g mail dot com

Anonymous said...

Oh friend, I hope Cassy's lump is nothing serious, hoping for good news this week....

And yes, yes, yes, I wish for all moms out their all of those wishes, plus a million dollars (just for fun money)

Ranavan said...

oy people who steal stuff are awful! Especially stuff which gives delight to sweet little yoyo!!

Sending good vibes to Cassy that all is well and it is just fatty tissue!

hazel said...

Poor Casey. I really hope you wishes come true, Ricki (except for the summer one cuz that's just not possible, I'm afraid).

andrea said...

My wish for you is for all your wishes to come true... in the case of Cassy... my wish is for it to be something completely benign (like fatty tissue). I have my fingers crossed for that news (and that things at the new dayhome go better!) A

Dancin' Momma said...

Call me or email me after your appointment, I will be thinking of you guys and hoping things are going well. When you have some time for a playdate and coffee let me know. We need to get that boy some Timbits! :)