Monday, June 28, 2010

Long Overdue...

...for a post. Life has been busy now that summer has arrived (finally!). We are outside 90% of the time. And most days we even eat all 3 meals outside. In the other half of the duplex we live in is a super fabulous family with 2 boys (4 & 1 1/2) so we spend a lot of time playing with them. Yoyo has so much fun when he has little playmates to run around with. They are like our second family.

I have been trying the whole potty thing with Yoyo and he has absolutely no interest in it. He did a little tinkle in it for the first time a couple of days ago so I was trying to make it this fun exciting thing and dancing around and cheering. His reaction was looking at me like I had gone nuts. I think it's going to be a slooow process over here. Oops, I had to take out the picture of him sitting on the potty as his little "area" was showing.

Some days we go for a little treat to McD's and sit outside eating icecream.

And his fashion sense has yet to mature.

We are also dealing with a case of molluscum right now. I have no clue where he got it from but it doesn't bother him so hopefully it'll just clear up soon so we can enjoy some playdates again.
In 3 weeks I am going back to school. I'm excited about it but nervous about leaving Yonas. It's hard in a big city to find childcare that you really trust and feel comfortable with when you are looking at strangers to care for your heart and soul. I opted for a dayhome as opposed to a daycare. I want the homey atmosphere for him while he is young. I did find a lady who is only like 2 minutes away from us. She used to be a nanny and a preschool teacher and has a 3 year old boy and a 2 year old girl. We spent the afternoon at their place the other day and Yonas had such a blast that he threw a tantrum when it was time to leave. So I guess that's a good sign.
So yeah, that's been out life in a nutshell.


Keltie said...

You are doing a fabulous job, mama. And not an easy one, so I take my hat off to you in a serious way. What you taking in school?

Anonymous said...

Oh ssssshhh, my relatives might hear you and ban you from their home forever. Don't whisper the M word outloud.....

In other wise words my friend, like Jill told me, now it's quality time, not quantity time. The first few weeks will be rough, especially when they catch on to you walking away from them. I know you'll do awesome in school!

Ranavan said...

He's such a little dude!!! I love the photo of him with ice cream - it looks like he is doing a fist pump and saying "yes! Ice Cream!"

Sharla said...

good to get an update. what are you taking in school? let us know how it goes and how Yonas does with the new routine.

hazel said...

Did he eat all that ice cream?

Do tell what your edumacation is all about. Kudos for going back to school! I'm sure Yoyo will adjust just fine (you might need a bit of wine to help with your own adjustment, though).