Monday, July 12, 2010

Sniff, sniff

In a week I start school full time so this week my little Yoyo is going to daycare for a couple of days just to prepare him (and maybe me too). I bought him an Elmo backpack which he was super stoked about to take his essentials in. And so like most parents who take pictures of their little ones' first day of school, I took pictures of Yoyo on his first day of daycare.

He was pretty excited. Dropping him off went smoothly (for him) but I don't think he realized that I was leaving him for the WHOLE day. It was really weird not having my day revolve around him and his schedule. I got an oil change, my tires rotated, a trip to costco, a fair bit of housecleaning done, did 4 loads of laundry, and even snuck in a nap. Now I am on the countdown to go pick him up. I really miss the little stinker :(
As for school, some of you have asked what I am taking. The course is a 12 month diploma program called Medical Office Assistant with Unit Clerk Specialty. So the plan is to work as a Unit Clerk in a hospital once I have completed the program. But it opens a lot of other doors too, so we'll see.
And just a few pics from what we've been doing lately...
Yonas lounging in the backyard reading his new Elmo book while Cassy pesters him to play fetch.

We went to the spray park with some buddies...and not surprisingly my chicken-poop son would not play in the water. Basking in the rays while eating snacks was much more preferrable.

He is also big into riding his bike. Cruising around the backyard just doesn't cut it anymore...he needs to go places!

And for all my blogging buddies out there...I rarely go on the computer hence my lack of comments on your blogs. I'll do a catch up one day!


Dancin' Momma said...

Those are some good looking sunbathing boys!!!

andrea said...

That is awesome about school for you... we need good people on our units supporting the work of our other healthcare professionals. I can only imagine the mixed emotions of sadness to excitement for all the changes coming in your lives. Good luck on both fronts! A :-)

Anonymous said...

Basking in the rays just like his momma on the beach :) Hope the daycare goes well for both of you, it's a hard adjustment but once you're in a routine, you'll be fine! Here's to an A+ student!

hazel said...

Such sweetness in these pictures!

A long time ago, I considered a similar career choice when trying to decide what I wanted to be when I grew up....still haven't made my decision...