Sunday, April 11, 2010


Yonas and I spent the last few days out in Hinton (where Craig is working) and being that it's not the most rockin' town, we took a drive out to Jasper on Friday and Yoyo got to see the mountains ("bow-tins") for the very first time. Unfortunately the weather was super crappy and even if I had been prepared (like a good mother would) and had proper clothing along, it was so freaking windy there wasn't much we could have done. Even the short distance between shops was miserable. So didn't even attempt to do a hike or anything of the sort. We'll just have to go back when it's warmer.

Yonas missed out on our first view of the mountains...

...and our greeting party.

Yonas, not being a tv watcher at all, was totally digging his dvd player during the drive. It was kinda hilarious cuz I could see him doing the actions and trying to sing along to the Barney's Sing & Dance movie. What's not hilarious is having to listen to the bloody thing 5 times in a row. And now he's constantly asking for Barney. Great.

Today we went to Baby Hailey's baptism. Yonas did surprisingly well until he pulled out my shirt, looked down and hollered out "Hi Boobies!". I was mortified obviously and could see the gentleman in front of me laughing so hard his shoulders were bouncing up and down. Should make for some oh-so-funny stories at the supper table tonight for a few families except mine.


hazel said...

That's a scream!!!

Here's hoping he grows out of saying that by his 20s.

Dianne said...


You have just made me SO GRATEFUL that Hana is a late talker!! So far, she only likes to pull out my shirt to take a peek every now and then, giving me this look like "gasp! how'd those get down there?" (Ack!)

Heidi said...

My they start young hey... As I said in the last post. Boys will be boys... Ha!


Anonymous said...

Yo-Yo, you must be more discreet! Eden has taken to calling Ruban (Ruby)....BOOBY. Whateves :)

Dancin' Momma said...

LOL!!! I love it!!! I was shocked that it started so early with boys! I thought they didn't get obsessed until puberty, but both my boys have proven me wrong. Dom grabbed a muffin tin yesterday, held it up to his chest and announced, "Look I have LOTS of boobies and nipples!!!!!!"


Sarah @ Cozy.Cottage.Cute. said...

Thanks.... that made me laugh. :)

Sharla said...

That's awesome!!!