Sunday, April 25, 2010

Some days...

...are hard. I mean really hard. I mean so hard that the thought of leaving my child in the parking lot and driving away actually crossed my mind. We were having a super crappy morning where Yonas was NOT happy. He fought me on everything from changing his diaper to getting him dressed...and by "fought" I mean kicking and hitting and squirming and sabotaging my every attempt to do what needed to be done all whilst screaming "NO". So like every morning we then went off to the gym which I thought would be good for both of us, he loves it and I get a much needed break. Fastforward to us leaving the gym...he wanted to carry my car keys but when we got to the car he wouldn't give them back to me no matter what. So while he is kicking and screaming, and trying to hit me, I held his one arm down to grab the keys from the other arm, he then PUNCHES me in the face, with a fistful of keys. Me, his dear old mother who loves him and cares for him and gives him all the necessities of life and then some. A punch so vicious that my glasses went flying off my face. And this is where I thought of leaving him there and driving away. But like every mother, I held my breath, clenched my teeth and put him in his carseat. And then cried all the way home. How the heck do families like the "Dugger's" do it?????


peekaboo said...

ahhh sweetie...I have soooo been there...and we still have days like that. Such is the joy of independant little boys!! You get through knowing that bedtime will eventually come and it will be a clean slate in the morning!
(We had a day like such the other day after he had a day at daycare...I had to buy a bottle of wine after grocery shopping...then I got home to no damn cork screw....I mean seriously can't they just put screw tops on them now!!)

Dancin' Momma said...

Oh no, I am so sorry. We all have those days. Those days when you understand how some people can just snap and hit their kids (back in your case!). Sometimes a time out for everyone involved is a good thing.

Thank goodness you were not hurt.

Hopefully after a nap things will be better (and maybe a glass of wine for you?)

shaunak said...

Those days are so tough. Know that we all have them.
Wine is a very good idea.

Karen said...

One day after grocery shopping, I was having very little luck getting Eric in his car seat. Eric was tired, stubborn, and wouldn't bend! I finally got him strapped in and he slapped me across the face. I just started to cry.

Motherhood is so rewarding some days, but on other days, it's the world's most difficult and thankless job. Hope tomorrow is a better day!


Barb said...

Hey Ricki. I so hear ya.

There are days I feel no guilt leaving them in someone else's care...I need a change of scenery and so do they.

Peter bit me once unexpected and like a mosquito bite I reactively swatted him back. He was crushed and I felt horrid for days. It just came out so fast there was no stopping him or my hand.

That instant gave me an appreciation for how and why things can happen but you displayed amazing restraint. A lesser mom may have driven to the lounge for the wine before going home with Y!! Kidding.

Just know we can all relate and for the moms who can't yet, they will one day soon. Very soon.


Brendan and Mary said...

Sounds like you already know you are not alone. Have a glass of wine tonight, watch a good show or read a good book, and we'll all pray that tomorrow is a better one :)


Nicky said...

I can empathize. Sometimes, when they are screaming at me for some reason or another, I will them to disapear. Like "poof!" - annoying-as-heck child just disapears.

Durn good thing they are cute.

Oh, who am I kidding. sometimes that doesn't help either.

Durn good thing I committed to them for life. That's more accurate. (Please don't let 13 be worse, please please...)


Robynhood said...
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Robynhood said...

Oh those days are hard... but hopefully few and far between. Consider yourself hugged...

And as for the Duggars... they have 18 other people in that house to run interference... You are just one person.. be good to yourself.. and a nice glass of wine and some chocolate never hurt either..

Ranavan said...

Oh ya, that sounds like a bad day - hope you followed Mary's advice and had a glass of wine that night.

Can you imagine - 19 kids - 19 kids!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh girl, I know it. Hugs to you. If only we could put them in a padded room on some days!

emily said...

Ouch! I feel for you Ricki. Be good to yourself. Motherhood is not easy, you deserve lots of treats, wine, and breaks!

CinnamonOpus said...

See? So many smart moms having the same kinds of days as you. Cut yourself some slack and know that you have a healthy, happy, thriving boy there, so you MUST be doing a great job!

hazel said...

Dang! Yeah, this is motherhood. It's not always pretty. I hope you had wine and chocolate at home.