It went well, too well I realize now. It took all of 5 minutes and me taking him back to his bed 5 times before he stayed there and fell asleep. I grabbed my glass of wine and feeling all smug and powerful came downstairs to enjoy the rest of my evening. I was even thinking to myself how easy that was and I must be good, I mean really good.
Oh haha, the joke was on me. At 10:30 he woke up. I took him back 26 times and then realized that he stayed in his bed if I was in the room so I sat on the floor at the end of his bed with my back facing him. After 45 minutes with him still happily chattering away to me and me no longer having any feeling in my tush, I realized this wasn't working either. So back out I went. It took another 40 times of me taking him back to bed before he went back to sleep. It was 1:02 AM. Huh, not such a champ after all I guess.
Then he woke at 3 and I was so tired I could barely function so I just gave him a bottle and back to sleep he went until 7:30 this morning. Yeah, I know, my bad.
Naptime didn't go quite as well as I had hoped. I layed him down at 11:40 and it took over an hour and 46 times of me taking him back to bed before he finally crashed.
But, it's got to get better....right?
Poor you!!! Ack, not a fun night.
One thing I would worry about, it sounds like he thinks this is a game. In which case it may only get worse, not better. You may want to consider baby proofing the snot out of his room and then putting up a baby gate or something similar to lock him in there.
D Dae sometimes gets like that, it becomes this big game getting out of bed over and over again. In his case he is big enough that I just have to threaten to close his door (he likes it open), and he will immediately stay put in his bed after that. But since your guy is so little you might need to just lock him into his room and let him figure it out on his own.
Sorry I don't have any other ideas. I hope it gets better.
I agree...
it is hard with adopted kids because there is that line you don't cross with attachment- that 'I will meet all your needs and never let you think I am abandoning you' line. However, for my bio kids, we put up a baby gate and let them sort themselves out. After 2 nights of falling asleep on the floor by the doorway, Nick figured out that the bed was much more suitable. Jackson took 3 nights. It is a game that they figure out easily and toddlers will win if you keep going to them. If you want him to sleep on his own, you have to stop going in. Period. It sucks. I turned the tv up and drank a few glasses of wine to fight the urge to rush to my crying kids... now, who knows what I will do with our daughter when we bring her home and are working on attachment..!!!
Follow your gut...and have a glass of wine when needed! That's all I got :)
You're doing an awesome job!
Oh, the joys of switching to a big boy bed! We just did that a few months ago. First we had to lie down with him for several nights until he was asleep, then we sat beside his bed for several nights, then we sat outside his door for a several nights, then there were a few nights of crying and now he goes to sleep all on his own without a peep. It takes patience, but it will get better for you too.
I am a lazy mom in some ways and I found that once I switched them to a big boy bed (or big girl bed), they didn't nap as long or as often and bedtimes took so much longer so I kept my kids in their crib for as long as humanly possible. It was a different age for each of them (sometimes depending if we needed a crib for a new addition) but I'm sure that they were all over two and maybe some even three (GASP!) before I switched them. But if you want to do it the less lazy way, then all the power to ya!!!
P.S. I do think that with my oldest, he was probably in a big boy bed between one and a half and two just since he was my first and that's just what you do I guess.
Hope tonight was better.
All I have, is you poor mommy!!! I hope the nights have been getting better.
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