Monday, March 22, 2010

I Was Foolishly Mistaken

When I lived in S'toon, I worked out at the gym on a regular basis so when I moved here I was on the lookout for a new gym. I had no luck...either the monthly fees were too much, they didn't have childcare, or the childcare fees were insane. Then I heard about a new gym that was opening and the monthly fees were awesome and the childcare fees were even better! Finally last week it opened. After 2 months of not working out I was excited to get back in the game. The other night while walking the dogs my pants felt snug on my butt (been wanting to firm that flat, flabby thing) and the front felt loose. I was thinking to myself "wow, after only a couple days of working out and I'm already feeling the results...wicked!". It wasn't until I got home and changed when I realized that I was foolishly mistaken...I had been wearing my sweatpants backwards. Sighhh.


CinnamonOpus said...



Nope, not laughing AT you... I'm laughing NEAR you!

But seriously, good for you for going to the gym! Keep at it and you WILL see the results, no matter which way you wear your pants!!

Ramona said...

Hee hee! Thanks for sharing. I just came to say "hi" and tell you how I love reading about yonas and your days.

Not that you actually asked, but since I don't do gyms, my only wieght loss tip is: go to Ethiopia. Seriously- from the stress of the visa weight and the trip I lost! Ok, so I also have irritable bowel so the stress does that to me... And now that we're home and having snacks twice a day, I'll be right back to and possibly more...


Anonymous said...

Seriously, woman, you were probably at least working the hell out of the backwards pants look! Hope they were hoochie pants....

June said...

HA! Ok thank you for lightening up my shitty day.

andrea said...

Thanks for the laugh... A :-)

Lisa, Pierre, Marika,Karelle, Yakim, Tarik and Zavier said...

That is sooo funny.....


Ranavan said...

ah ha ha ha - but seriously - ha ha ha!

I did that once sorta - I was in yoga class and just as we were about to start I suddenly realized (or so I thought) that my yoga pants were on backwardy - I spent the entire class worrying my ass would hang out in someone's face when I went into Down Dog...

Turns out they were on right the whole time :)

Ranavan said...

And no I didn't think my pants were on "backwardy" sheesh! I can't type!

Heidi said...

I say keep wearing 'em backwards if it makes you feel good! Ha...

On that note... I should try it...
