Sunday, March 14, 2010

Not Much Going On!

I don't really have much to say but thought I better do a quick post cuz next week will be busy with Rhonda and Eden here. I am super excited to see them and to watch the little kiddos stir up trouble together! Oh, and the evenings of chatting and wine drinking will be nice too :)
The weather here has been super nice. Yonas would stay outside all day if I let him. In fact, he plays in the backyard by himself (well, with the dogs) when I'm trying to get things done in the kitchen. It's nice cuz it's all fenced in and the patio doors and big livingroom window face the backyard so I can see him the whole time.
The sleeping through the night thing is kinda of hit and miss. We had three successful nights in a row and now it's more sporadic. Oh well, slow progress is better than no progress.
Oh, and he's starting to talk in 2-word sentences which is really cute so instead of "na-night" it's "na-night so and so (Abby or Cassy or whoever) or another one I hear everyday is "boot on" or "boot ott (off)" (the kid wears his boots ALL day).
And today daylight saving begins so we turn our clocks ahead an weird for me coming from Saskatchewan where our time doesn't change.


Anonymous said...

See you tomorrow :)

Sherri said...

Miss you - wish I was joining your little party there! Can't wait to blog again and view blogs with high speed :) Kisses to yoyo - talk to you soon - Sher

Shauna said...

Hope you all have a great week!

Connie said...

Those 2 word sentences are so cute when they start that! Kumera said "boot on" for the longest time too! And he was also addicted to his boots. Still is! Sounds like our boys are a lot alike!

Have fun with Rhonda and Eden!